Antonianum NewsletterNotizie e attivit&agrave; culturali della Pontificia Universit&agrave; Antonianum day on how mercy reveals the name of God<img src="" hspace="5" height="110" align="left" /> 26/03/2014 - A study day on <em>how mercy reveals the name of God</em> is being organized by the Theology Facolty of the Pontifical University on Wednesday, March 26, 2014. Presentations will be given by Prof. Giovanni Cesare <strong>Pagazzi</strong> on the faithfulness of the mercyful -, Mario <strong>Cucca</strong> on how mercy accuses - and Johannes Baptist <strong>Freyer</strong> on Franciscan mercy - There will be a panel discussion led by Prof. Marco Nobile after the presentations.... <br /><a href=""> + info</a>Prof. Martín Carbajo as CRUPR delegate in Helsinki<img src="" hspace="5" height="110" align="left" /> 03/04/2014 - The Rectors of the Pontifical Roman Universities Conference (CRUPR) have appointed prof. <strong>Martín Carbajo Núñez</strong> as their delegate to the <strong>4th Eunis Rectors' Conference</strong> that will take place at <strong>Helsinki</strong> (Finland) on April 3-5, 2014. The Conference wil... <br /><a href=""> + info</a>Alexander of Hales<img src="" hspace="5" height="110" align="left" /> 20/03/2014 - A presentation of the critical edition of Alexander of Hales’s works: <em>Quaestiones disputatae quae ad rerum universitatem pertinent</em> and <em>Quaestiones disputatae de peccato originali</em> will be held Thursday 20 March, 2014, at 4:00, at the Pontifical University Antonianu . The book was edited by Mateusz <strong>Wierzbicki</strong>, and published by Editiones Collegii S. Bonaventurae Ad Claras Aquas.... <br /><a href=""> + info</a>Antigone Today: Religious Freedom and Rights<img src="" hspace="5" height="110" align="left" /> 25/03/2014 - Tuesday March 25, 2014, at 4:00 pm, the third session of the conferences <em>Religious Freedom in Question: Anthropology, History, Rights, Cinema</em>, organized by the Franciscan Institute of Spirituality of the Pontifical University Antonianum. The session is dedicated to <em>Antigone, Today: Reli... <br /><a href=""> + info</a>The Sayings of Blessed Giles of Assisi<img src="" hspace="5" height="110" align="left" /> 28/03/2014 - On Friday March 28, 2014, at 15:00 pm, a meeting of study will be held on the critical edition of <em>The Sayings of Blessed Giles of Assisi</em>, edited by Stefano <strong>Brufani</strong>, who belongs to the Italian Center for Medieval Studies.... <br /><a href=""> + info</a>Franciscan Economy: a proposal to overcome the crisis (prof. Carbajo)<img src="" hspace="5" height="110" align="left" /> 15/05/2014 - Thursday May 15, 2014, at 17:00 pm, a presentation of prof. Martín <strong>Carbajo Núñez'</strong> new book: "<em>Economia francescana: una proposta per uscire dalla crisi</em>" ("Franciscan Economy: a proposal to overcome the crisis") will be held <strong>at the Alphonsian Academy</strong>. Pro... <br /><a href=""> + info</a>New book on Colette de Corbie<img src="" hspace="5" height="110" align="left" /> 11/03/2014 - New book on Colette de Corbie (Acta of the 7th Study day on Franciscan women held November 17, 2012) <em>Colette de Corbie. Ripartire da Cristo sulle orme di Chiara</em>. Atti della VII Giornata di studio sull'Osservanza francescana al femminile (Assisi - Monastère S. Colette, 17 novembre 2012), E... <br /><a href=""> + info</a>New book considering good and evil in Dante’s Divine Comedy<img src="" hspace="5" height="110" align="left" /> 11/03/2014 - New in book stores Ricardo <strong>Lucio Perriello </strong>, <em>La scienza del bene e del male nella Divina Commedia</em>, published by Edizioni Antonianum in the Medieval series. The book on Dante’s Divine Comedy, proposes a reading of the work using the metaphysical categories of the so-called ... <br /><a href=""> + info</a>Presentation of the book Espíritus elementales, by Heinrich Heine, in Murcia<img src="" hspace="5" height="110" align="left" /> 20/02/2014 - When: Thursday 20 February at 7.30 pm. Where: In the Auditorium Event: A presentation of the book <em>Espíritus elementales</em> (Elemental Spirits) by poet, Heinrich <strong>Heine</strong>. The book was originally written in German and in it, the poet takes the great creations of the popular sou... <br /><a href=""> + info</a>The Processes of democratization in Sub-Saharian Africa (prof. Manhiça)<img src="" hspace="5" height="110" align="left" /> 06/12/2013 - Last 6 December has been presented the new book of prof. <strong>Manhiça</strong> OFM, docent of the Folosophy Faculty. Despite the persisting structural, cultural, economic and international issues which hinder the development and the consolidation of the democratic system, Africa is, however, exp... <br /><a href=""> + info</a>