Inizio > Rivista Antonianum > Articoli > Vidales Sabato 27 luglio 2024

Rivista Antonianum
Informazione sulla pubblicazione

Foto Vidales Augustėn Hernāndez , L'umanesimo di San Francesco, in Antonianum, 87/2 (2012) p. 367-379 .

Summary: The article re-presents a reading of humanism of Francis of Assisi highlighting three main aspects that same criticism has pointed out: 1) Francis of Assisi “precursor” of humanism: he, in fact, with his attitude of “minor” rediscovered the Christ of the Gospel message and made it his “life-form”; he handed down to posterity his experiences sealed in his few writings experiences, especially in 2) “Canticle of brother Sun”; the parts themselves of this poem-prayer of Francis are what is taken to illustrate his humanism and show the 3) validity of his proposal for our times.

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