Inizio > Rivista Antonianum > Articoli > Jaeger Giovedì 07 novembre 2024

Rivista Antonianum
Informazione sulla pubblicazione

Foto Jaeger David-M.A. , Ad lectores, in Antonianum, 80/4 (2005) p. 387 .

At the close of this year of Antonianum it is a pleasant duty of the new editorial team to express heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to Professor Lluis Oviedo for his years of service as the Editor of this periodical publication. Professor Oviedo’s tenure as the Editor began with the second issue of 1997, and he then served in this capacity for eight years, editing 33 issues of Antonianum. His impressive achievement is there for all to see. He has set a high standard indeed, in keeping with that maintained earlier by his own predecessors. And, with great generosity and his characteristic competence, he has continued to be available to the new editorial team for help and advice, as well as being a major contributor of the fruits of his own scholarly labours.

Anyone who has ever had a part in editing a publication of this nature is aware of the peculiar demands of such an enterprise, which go from evaluating submissions of specialised material in several disciplines to settling the minutiae of lay-out and printing. Lluis Oviedo has mastered them all, and has been sharing his expertise willingly and patiently.

Antonianum will continue to serve as a locus and a vehicle for sharing the results of study and research carried out by the faculty of the Pontifical University “Antonianum”, as well as by scholars elsewhere, in order to contribute, however modestly, to the search for understanding, knowledge and wisdom.

The specific academic enviornment, in which Antonianum is produced, is presented in this number by the “Chronica” section, notably by reproducing the addresses of the Chancellor and the Rector on the occasion of the inauguration of the academic year 2005-2006 at the Pontifical University “Antonianum” in Rome. This in addition to the articles and reviews that our readers have come to expect.

Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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