Inizio > Rivista Antonianum > Articoli > Manns Mercoledì 15 gennaio 2025

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Foto Manns Fréderic , A Jewish Approach to the Gospel of John. Prima parte, in Antonianum, 87/2 (2012) p. 259-279 .

Summary: The Third Quest of the Historical Jesus argues that Jesus was an itinerant prophet proclaiming an eschatological message. The Jewishness of Jesus is first and foremost rather than any Greco-Roman influence. Jewish Literature can reconstruct the ancient worldviews of the Jews living in the first Century. In this context the author of this article examines the Jewish character of the Fourth Gospel. After a brief mention of methodology he gives a status quaestionis on the studies about Qumran and the Gospel of John, the Apocalyptic Literature and the Fourth Gospel, the Wisdom theology, the rabbinic Theology, the Targumim, Jewish Literature and the semitisms of the Fourth Gospel. This brief summary shows that many exegetes admit the Jewish approach of the Gospel of John and abandon Bultmann’s theories. After this first step he will be able to study the Jewish traditions of the Gospel of John.

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