Inizio > Rivista Antonianum > Articoli > Brogi Sabato 21 settembre 2024

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Foto Brogi Marco , Il diritto all'osservanza del proprio rito (CIC can.214), in Antonianum, 68/1 (1993) p. 108-119 .

SUMMARY: The consiliar Decree affirmis decisively that the particular Churches of the East and the west constitute a «mirabilis communio» notwithstanding their differences due to the rites, which are faithfully observed. The concept has been accepted in the schemes CIC (1) and in those LEF; the first was finally deleted, and the second became can 214 of CIC (2). This canon asserts the right of every faithful to worship God according to one' proper rite and to conform one's own form of life to the same rite (3). There are in the CIC canons which facilitate the respect and the putting into practice of this right (4) but it is only CCEO that inflicts sanctions on anyone who obstructs it (5). This last Code regulates in an extensive way the norms of membership to a church «sui iuris» and of the passage to another (6).It is desirable that can. 214 be well understood and aplied, because otherwise the Universal Church would risk to lose one part of its richness: that which is consistuted by the patrimony of its richness: that which is constituted by the patrimony of the Eastern Churches (7).

Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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