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Foto Conti Martino , Sorte dell'empio e del giusto secondo il Salmo 52, in Antonianum, 68/4 (1993) p. 431-449 .

SUMMARY: Among the various introductory questions, particular attention is paid to the reconstruction of the text (translation) and to the complex literary genre. The latter combi­nes elements proper to the sapiential genre with other characteristics of the lamentations (individual and collective) and some prophetic oracles. Making use of the chiastic formula abb' a', Psalm 52 confronts the theme of retribution on the basis of the principle, «the just prosper and the impious perish»: a) first of all it deals with the figure of the impious and his way of acting (w 3-6); b) and announces the end of him (v. 7); b') he then goes on to describe the double reaction of the just person in the face of the end of the impious (w 8-9), a') and deals with the figure of the just person (w. 10-11). There is only one echo of Psalm 52 in the NT, in Lk 14,29, relative to the following of Christ. The one who comes forward to follow Christ is invited to consider whether he has the means to complete the building in order to avoid having those who watch him begin to deride him. (Lk. 14, 28-30). In the context of the redemption wrought by Christ, the land of the living of Psalm 52 becomes the eternal kingdom of the Father, which one enters or from which one is excluded. As one reads in ICor 10,12, the end of the impious, as with all events of past hi­story, must serve as a warning for the present time.

Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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