Inizio > Rivista Antonianum > Articoli > Nobile Mercoledì 23 ottobre 2024

Rivista Antonianum
Informazione sulla pubblicazione

Foto Nobile Marco , Ez 38-39 ed Ez 40-48: i due aspetti complementari del culmine di uno schema cultuale di fondazione , in Antonianum, 62/2-3 (1987) p. 141-171 .

Summary — The Book of Ezekiel has today, more than ever in the past, become an open and attractive field of investigation. The author of this article gives in his research an oustanding importance to the final redaction of this prophetic work, since it makes possible the realisation of the hypothesis of the tripartite cultual scheme (theophany, war against the enemy, restoration of the cult). Of this scheme, the chapters 38-39 and 40-48 constitute the third and last part. The study unfolds itself in the following way: after the presentation of the « status quaestionis », an analysis is made of the two above-mentioned texts with the help of philology and historic-critical investigation; subsequently, the author passes on to a global interpretation of the results at the light of religious anthropology, which gives sense to the cultual ezechelian scheme.

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