Inizio > Rivista Antonianum > Articoli > Manns Giovedì 13 febbraio 2025

Rivista Antonianum
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Foto Manns Frédéric , La condescendance divine: racines juives et développements patristiques , in Antonianum, 62/4 (1987) p. 404-422 .

Summary — The study examines the presence of the motivation of divine con­descension in Jewish and Patristic sources, limiting itself to the consideration of three expressions of such motivation, namely of God who serves, of God who comes down, of God who belittles himself. The use of these three theological concepts in ancient Judaism and the Church Fathers, shows on one hand that the notion of the Incarnation does not contradict the biblical tradition (an opinion held even today by some Hebrew scholar) and on the other hand admits that some sharing together and reciprocal influence can exist between the Church Fathers and the Jewish Masters.

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