As we go to press we learn that the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science has been awarded to Elinor Ostrom (of Indiana University) an... (Continua)
Jaeger David-M. A.,
Ad lectores, in Antonianum 84/2 (2009) p. 219-222.
Even at this late date it is at least probable that most of you remember the media furore that followed statements attributed to Pope BEN... (Continua)
Jaeger David-M. A.,
Ad lectores, in Antonianum 84/1 (2009) p. 9-10.
In its fourth issue of 2008, Antonianum published an article by Professor Richard Cross (“Fides et Ratio: The Har... (Continua)
Anno 2008 |
Jaeger David M.,
Ad lectores, in Antonianum 83/4 (2008) p. 553-556.
With this issue another year of Antonianum, another volume, the eighty third, ... (Continua)
Jaeger David M.,
Ad lectores, in Antonianum 83/3 (2008) p. 367-368.
Peace, Love, Faith, Happiness, are together the subjects of most of this issue o... (Continua)
Jaeger David M. ,
Ad lectores, in Antonianum 83/1 (2008) p. 5-7.
Few subjects have exercised both Catholic and non-Catholic theologians in the Conc... (Continua)
Anno 2007 |
Jaeger David M.A.,
Ad lectores, in Antonianum 82/4 (2007) p. 629-631.
As Antonianum is going to press the former Rector Magnificus of the Pontifical Athenaeum Antonianum, Father Umberto Bett... (Continua)
Jaeger David-M. A. ,
Ad lectores, in Antonianum 82/3 (2007) p. 409-413.
Can the Word of God be studied as if there were no God (etsi Deus non daretur)? This is, in essence (or, if you prefer, in extre... (Continua)
Jaeger David-M.A.,
Ad lectores, in Antonianum 82/2 (2007) p. 205-207.
It was a right-wing U.S. Senator of the Catholic persuasion who, a few years ago, brought to the fore, in a characteristically blunt mann... (Continua)
Jaeger David-M. A.,
Ad lectores, in Antonianum 82/1 (2007) p. 5-8.
Content is not, of course, the only thing that matters in a periodical (or any other) publication. In an academic (not to say, general) e... (Continua)
Ad lectores:
...Tutti |
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