Inizio > Rivista Antonianum > Articoli > Battaglia Giovedì 19 settembre 2024

Rivista Antonianum
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Foto Battaglia Vincenzo , I «sentimenti» del Signore Gesù. Un modello cristologico per la vita spirituale e l'agire morale, in Antonianum, 81/2 (2006) p. 209-255 .

Summary: Continuing his research into a subject he has been studying for some time, the Author intends here to expound the status quaestionis of theological reflection on the “sentiments” or “feelings” of the Lord Jesus. His treatment of the subject matter is distributed in two parts: The first surveys the presence of this thematics in some of the documents of the Pontifical Magisterium and of the Second Vatican Council, in the Roman Missal, in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, in texts of ecumenical dialogues. The second part presents the main methodological tools, and makes the main substantive points. The whole is intended to highlight the validity – and the importance – of the relevant Christological model for the definition of an integral educational and formative project for any of the states of life in the Church.

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