Inizio > Rivista Antonianum > Articoli > Guzmān Manzano Venerdì 25 ottobre 2024

Rivista Antonianum
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Foto Guzmān Manzano Isidoro , El lugar antropologico de la fé moral segųn Kant, in Antonianum, 63/2-3 (1988) p. 317-355 .

Summary — The author studies the anthropological place of moral faith in fat, starting from the kantian ideas of the varius finalities and the various ts of «retaining as true » (Fiirwahrhalten) of Reason. To achieve this he peals to these ideas, since they are the hermeneutical keys of the three idamental functions of Reason, that is: what we can know (Wissen), what '. ough to do, and what is lawful to us to hope for. In each of these three manifestations of Reason (Vernunft), man proposes erminate finalities and proceeds towards a qualified «retaining as true». ut it is in the order of that for which it is lawful to hope that man mounters his more proper and ultimate reality. It is precisely here, in the obkm concerning that for which it is lawful to hope, that man encounters k decisive question of that which refers to him ultimately and radically: his jersonal salvation. The moral faith is a radical and immovable trust and a «retaining as he» that which Hope (Verheissung) suggests in full absence of objective (stification, in the sense that it is at this point that speculative Reason |ds. The moral faith is an orientation of Hope and of the noumenal in this bid.

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