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Rivista Antonianum
Ad lectores 0 - 2020 (33/33)



12 libri pubblicati dopo 2019 (2013, 2019, 2023, JP-2000-3)

Ad lectores
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Anno 2013
Buffon Giuseppe, Ad lectores, in Antonianum 88/2 (2013) p. 213.

It falls to Professor Klemens Stock, SJ, who teaches at the Pontificai Bibli-cal Instit... (Continua)

Buffon Giuseppe, Ad lectores, in Antonianum 88/1 (2013) p. 5-10.

The relationship between theology and social, political and economic life is the common subject of the articles of this first issue of 20... (Continua)

Anno 2012
Buffon Giuseppe, Ad lectores., in Antonianum 87/4 (2012) p. 641-647.

In this last volume of 2012 we wish to present above all some of the results of the reflection carried out during the study seminar, ... (Continua)

Buffon Giuseppe, Ad lectores, in Antonianum 87/3 (2012) p. 417-422.

This autumn trimester issue of the review, which I have the pleasure of introducing to you, opens with an article on a subject of some si... (Continua)

Buffon Giuseppe, Ad lectores, in Antonianum 87/2 (2012) p. 197-203.
Buffon Giuseppe, Ad lectores, in Antonianum 87/1 (2012) p. 5-9.

On the occasion of the publication of this first issue of Antonianum to be put together by the new editorial team, it is a welcome task to express, first of ... (Continua)

Anno 2011
Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 86/4 (2011) p. 635-638.

Wonders shall never cease! Nor shall we ever exhaust the unending riches of the written Word of God. The most highly specialised will per... (Continua)

Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 86/3 (2011) p. 415-418.

Is it only my impression, or is it objectively verifiable that, in a number of Catholic scholarly journals, the proportion of articles dedicated to the Christian Myst... (Continua)

Jaeger, David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 86/2 (2011) p. 191-194.

“Apologetics” has such an unattractive sound to it in contemporary discourse. It brings to mind some wayward politician’s tearful admission of guilt... (Continua)

Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 86/1 (2011) p. 5-8.

Africa is, according to the (Oxford) dictionary, “the second-largest continent, a southward projection of the Old World land mass divided roughly in two by the ... (Continua)

Anno 2010
Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 85/4 (2010) p. 523-525.

“L’Etat c’est moi!” King Louis XIV of France famously exclaimed, apparently in a rapture of wholly singular megalomania – or so... (Continua)

Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 85/2 (2010) p. 185-188.

“Secularism” is a favourite bogeyman in ecclesiastical circles in our time.


Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 85/1 (2010) p. 5-8.

Since sometime in the nineteenth century a fundamental question has lurked behind Christian theological discourse. It could be given all ... (Continua)

Anno 2009
Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 84/4 (2009) p. 637-638.

Christianity is all about Christ. This seems to be a somewhat fatuous statement, not even a truism but pure tautology, a superfluous restatement of the wholly obvious... (Continua)

Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 84/3 (2009) p. 419-423.

As we go to press we learn that the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science has been awarded to Elinor Ostrom (of Indiana University) an... (Continua)

Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 84/2 (2009) p. 219-222.

Even at this late date it is at least probable that most of you remember the media furore that followed statements attributed to Pope BEN... (Continua)

Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 84/1 (2009) p. 9-10.

In its fourth issue of 2008, Antonianum published an article by Professor Richard Cross (“Fides et Ratio: The Har... (Continua)

Anno 2008
Jaeger David M., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 83/4 (2008) p. 553-556.

With this issue another year of Antonianum, another volume, the eighty third, ... (Continua)

Jaeger David M., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 83/3 (2008) p. 367-368.

Peace, Love, Faith, Happiness, are together the subjects of most of this issue o... (Continua)

Jaeger David M. , Ad lectores, in Antonianum 83/1 (2008) p. 5-7.

Few subjects have exercised both Catholic and non-Catholic theolo­gians in the Conc... (Continua)

Anno 2007
Jaeger David M.A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 82/4 (2007) p. 629-631.

As Antonianum is going to press the former Rector Magnificus of the Pontifical Athenaeum Antonianum, Father Umberto Bett... (Continua)

Jaeger David-M. A. , Ad lectores, in Antonianum 82/3 (2007) p. 409-413.

Can the Word of God be studied as if there were no God (etsi Deus non daretur)? This is, in essence (or, if you prefer, in extre... (Continua)

Jaeger David-M.A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 82/2 (2007) p. 205-207.

It was a right-wing U.S. Senator of the Catholic persuasion who, a few years ago, brought to the fore, in a characteristically blunt mann... (Continua)

Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 82/1 (2007) p. 5-8.

Content is not, of course, the only thing that matters in a periodical (or any other) publication. In an academic (not to say, general) e... (Continua)

Anno 2006
Jaeger David-M.A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 81/4 (2006) p. 609-613.

The “question of labour,” which occupied such a prominent place in industrialised societies through much of the nineteenth century and the first half of t... (Continua)

Jaeger David-M.A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 81/3 (2006) p. 411.

Our editorial team is very pleased to be able to offer once more to our readers contents of the high quality that has been characteristic... (Continua)

Jaeger David-M.A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 81/2 (2006) p. 207.

This is a “heavy-duty” issue of Antonianum, one that is not a little demanding and yet proportionately rewarding. It... (Continua)

Jaeger David M.A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 81/1 (2006) p. 3-4.

Our readers will have noticed, one trusts, the new cover chosen for issues of Antonianum starting with this one. The work of a g... (Continua)

Anno 2005
Jaeger David-M.A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 80/4 (2005) p. 387.

At the close of this year of Antonianum it is a pleasant duty of the new editorial team to express heartfelt gratitude and appre... (Continua)

Anno 2001
Oviedo Lluis, Presentazione: il dibattito contemporaneo su Scoto e la sua eredità, in Antonianum 76/1 (2001) p. 3-5.

La ricezione di Scoto è stata spesso accompagnata da accese discussioni s... (Continua)

Anno 1983
La Redazione , Premessa, in Antonianum 58/1 (1983) p. 3-5.

Crediamo di rendere un servizio ai lettori della nostra rivi... (Continua)

Anno 1980
La Redazione , Presentazione, in Antonianum 55/4 (1980) p. 545-548.

Nella ricorrenza della celebrazione dell'anniversario della nascita dì san B... (Continua)

Anno 1976
Vazquez Janeiro Isaac, Ad lectores, in Antonianum 51/1 (1976) p. 3-4.
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