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Pubblicazioni del prof. (2)


(Libri: 0; Articoli: in riviste accademiche 2; in libri collettivi 0; Altri 0 ; Blogs: 0)

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(Libri: 0; Articoli: in riviste accademiche 2; in libri collettivi 0; Altri 0 ; Blogs: 0)

Articoli pubblicati su riviste accademiche (2)
Spiteris Yannis, Il ruolo della pneumatologia nella tradizione orientale , in Antonianum 73/3 (1998) p. 505-533.

Summary: The Orthodox tradition is not above all as pneumocentric as it may seem, but triadocentric, which considers both the divine life  ad intra  as well as that life  ad extra, always beginning with the whole of the Trinity according to the patristic principle:  Everything proceeds from the Father, through the Son, in the Holy Spirit. ... (Continua)

Spiteris Yannis, La conoscenza Ģesperienzialeģ di Dio e la Teologia nella Prospettiva Orientale, in Antonianum 72/3 (1997) p. 365-426.

SUMMARY: In this article the author treats the theme of religious knowledge as the experience of God in the light of the Oriental Christian tradition. After an introduction which pinpoints what is meant by religious experience, there follows an examination of the meaning of apophatism. God by His very nature is unknowable, that is, He ... (Continua)

Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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