Inizio > Pubblicazioni > Mauro Sabato 21 settembre 2024

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Bonaventura e Aristotele: il problema della causalitā

Foto Mauro Letterio , Bonaventura e Aristotele: il problema della causalitā, in Antonianum, 71/4 (1996) p. 705-719 .

SUMMARY: The theme of causality occupies an important place in bonaventurian reflection, in which it is tackled in its relation to the general problems of metaphysics and utilised as a herme-neutical instrument in the analysis of particular theological questions. The present study intends to concur towards a further deepening of this theme, up to now not adequately considered by scho­lars, putting in evidence the diverse treatment of these two different contexts and the peculiar con­tribution towards a better understanding of the relationship between the thought of Bonaventure and that of Aristotle.

Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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