Inicio > Revista Antonianum > Artículos > Ceyssens Sábato 20 Abril 2024

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Foto Ceyssens Lucien , Autour de la bulle « Unigenitus ». Le Cardinal de Bissy (1657-1737) , in Antonianum, 63/1 (1988) p. 74-115 .

Summary — A strong personality, Henry Thiard de Bissy, was, as Bishop of Toul, so close to suspected Jansenism that the Reflexions Morales of Quesnel recommanded that he should be condemned in the bull Unigenitus of 1713. Later, as Bishop of Meaux, he composed with much effort a voluminous treatise on antijansenistic theology, thus rehabilitating himself and gaining the benevolence of the above-mentioned Reflexions. So strong was his influence on the success of the Bull that he was able to make it acceptable to the Assembly and, subsequently, as Cardinal, to resist the many attempts made for its modification.

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