Prof. Carbajo > FST - San Diego (USA) Jueves 06 Febrero 2025

Prof. invitado: FST (USA) y UWM (Polonia)

Contemporary image of the world/
Współczesny obraz świata
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland)
UWM - Spring Semester 2022
- Syllabus (PDF)
- This course is activated at your Google classroom
This 60-hour course will have three sections that will be distributed in this way:
A) 5-hour lessons on Moral theology: on January 12 and 16, 2022
B) 25-hour lessons on spirituality and dogmatic theology
C) 30-hour lessons on "Contemporary image of the world".
Required texts for section C:
- Carbajo Núñez, Martín, Siostra Matka Ziemia. Franciszkańskie korzenie Laudato Si', Studio SQL, Olsztyn 2019. (hereafter: Siostra).
- Carbajo Núñez, Martín, Wolna i braterska ekonomia. Perspektywa franciszkańska, Studio SQL, Olsztyn 2019. (hereafter: Ekonomia).
- Carbajo Núñez M., „Wszystko jest połączone” Integralna ekologia i komunikacja w erze cyfrowej, Ed. Wydział Teologii UWM, Olsztyn 2020. (hereafter: komunika).
Class Format:
- Every lesson will have two different sections: a reading from the three required books and a study topic.
- Consistently thoughtful and active participation in class is essential to the success of this course. Attendance is only a precondition for participation, not the measure of it.
- Students are expected to provide well-reasoned contributions to class discussions and be prepared to raise questions in response to the readings. 
CE-602 Catholic Social Teaching
FST - Fall Semester 2020
- Syllabus (PDF)
- This course is activated at your Blackboard (link)
“Catholic social teaching (CST) is a central and essential element of our faith” and so there is an urgent need of a strengthened commitment to sharing it “at every level of Catholic education and faith formation” (USCCB). This course will study CST in order to develop skills for critically applying this teaching to present ethical dilemmas and to topics related to social justice and integral ecology. The Franciscan Intellectual Tradition will be also a source of inspiration.
We will begin by analyzing some topics that are especially relevant today (Amazon Synod, Covid- 19 pandemic, Integral ecology and the role of the university). We will then study the development of Modern Catholic social teaching from the encyclical Rerum Novarum onwards.
HS 605 Franciscan Masters: Voluntarism
FST - Fall Semester 2020
- Syllabus (PDF)
- This course is activated at your Blackboard (link)
This reading course/seminar explores the topic of Franciscan voluntarism and its current relevance in facing ethical challenges. The seminar will focus mainly on the primary Franciscan sources on voluntarism but will also explore its importance today.
Thus, there will be a two-fold approach to the Franciscan emphasis on the will: 1) in its historical development, by examining primary source material from Bonaventure, Olivi, Scotus, and Ockham, 2) in its relevance today.
Franciscan ethics
FST - Fall Semester 2019

This Seminar will work with primary Franciscan sources to reflect on some of the most compelling ethical challenges in our world. The study of the Franciscan tradition will be done in relationship with recent documents of Catholic Social Teaching to verify how Franciscan’s ethical answers keep being relevant to addressing today’s challenges.

- Syllabus (PDF)
- This course will be activated at your Blackboard (link)
CE-607 Catholic Social Teaching and Laudato Si'
Fall Semester 2018

“Catholic social teaching (CST) is a central and essential element of our faith” and so there is an urgent need of a strengthened commitment to sharing it “at every level of Catholic education and faith formation” (USCCB).


This course will study CST, with a special focus on the encyclical Laudato Si’, in order to develop skills for critically applying this teaching to present ethical dilemmas and to topics related to social justice and integral ecology.


The Franciscan Intellectual Tradition will be also a source of inspiration.

- Syllabus (PDF) (PPS)
- This course will be activated at your Blackboard (link)
Course Outline & Schedule

September 10:


A) Course overview: Syllabus, course description and requirements

B) Clarification of concepts: Morality and ethics; Specificity of the CST within Catholic theology, Vatican II orientations, CST major docs, etc.

CSDC n. 60-86.
Other possible readings:

- Veritatis Splendor (VS): 2, 8, 12, 15, 25-30, 83, 85, 109-117.

- Catechism (CCC): 50-114, 131-133, 1691-1748, 2052-2063, 2083-2087, 2090-2093.

The necessity of the Moral Law: 1959, 2070, 2242.

September 17

A) The truth about man: theological anthropology & CST.

B) Other anthropological theories: how CST differs from social, political, and economic ideologies.

- Encyclical Rerum Novarum (On the condition of labor) - Shannon, Thomas A., Rerum novarum, (MCST 127 – 150).
Other possible readings (optional):

- CSDC n. 105-151.

- Pope, Stephen J. Natural law in CST (MCST 41-71)

- The social nature of the human person (CCC, 1878-1889, 1929)

- Trinitarian communio & social life (CCC 267, 738, 1693).

September 24:  

A) Background and Foundations of Modern CST

- Biblical Roots and historical development - Sources, Methodology, Principles & Application

- Key documents

- Encyclical Quadragesimo anno (After forty years) - Hinze, Christine F., Quadragesimo anno (MCST 151-174).
- MCN 122-137 (Freedom as the origin and destiny of all that exists)
Other readings (optional):
- CSDC n. 87-104. - Donahue, John R., The Bible and CST (MCST 9-40).
October 1:
A) CST guiding principles: Human dignity and the Common good

- Encyclical Mater et Magistra, (Mother and Teacher)

- Mich, Marvin L., Mater et Magistra (MCST  191-216).

- MCN 211-220
Other readings (optional):

- CSDC n. 160-170.

- Schuck, Michael J, Early Modern Roman CST 1740-1890 (MCST 99-126)

- USCCB, Living the Gospel of Life: A Challenge to American Catholics.

October 8

A) CST guiding principles: subsidiarity and solidarity (fraternity)

- Preferential option for the poor & Universal destination of goods

- CST fundamental social values

- CST most important documents.


- Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes (The Church in the Modern World)

- Hollenbach, David, Gaudium et Spes (MCST  266 – 291).

- MCN 146-156 (a big family in Christ)
Other readings (optional):

- CSDC n. 171-208

- U.S. Catholic Bishops, Sharing Catholic Social Teaching: Challenges and Directions, 1998.

October 15 (reading week)
October 22:
A) Peace: How to be builders of peace; war, violence, death penalty: a moral assessment
- Encyclical Pacem in terris, (Peace on Earth) - Christiansen, Drew, Pacem in terris (MCST 217-243).
- MCN 43-50.
Other readings (optional):

- Mcn2 40-46 - CSDC n. 488-520.

- USCCB, A culture of Life and the Penalty of Death.

- USCCB, The Challenge of Peace: God’s Promise and our Response

- Curran, Charles E., The reception of Catholic approaches to Peace and War in the USA (MCST 493-521)

- USCCB, A Good Friday Appeal to End the Death Penalty

- USCCB, Responsibility, Rehabilitation, and Restoration: A Catholic Perspective on Crime and Criminal Justice.

October 29:
A) Human rights as an ethical peace project

- Apostolic letter Octogesima adveniens, (A call to action)

- Gudorf, Christine E., Octogesima adveniens (MCST 315-332)

- MCN 51-54 (Total good)
Other readings (optional):

- CSDC n. 152-159

- Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, The Church and Human rights.

- Statement of the Synod of Bishops, Justice in the World, 1971.

November 5:
A) Social Justice and politics
- Encyclical Populorum progressio (On the development of Peoples) Deck, Allan F. Populorum progressio (MCST  292-314).

- Carbajo Núñez M., «The contribution by religions to peaceful coexistence in society», in Studia Moralia 53/1 (2015) 83-101.

- Different types of justice (CCC, 2411-2412, 1807): Distributive (CCC, 2236-2411), Legal, Commutative, Social (CCC, 1928-42)

Other readings (optional):

- Himes Kenneth R., Justitia in Mundo (MCST  333-362).

- MCN 51-55; Mcn2 68-83 (Religion in a time of economic change)

- CSDC n. 377-450 - USCCB, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, 2015.

- Evangelii Gaudium, §§50-75, 176-258.

- Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, Doctrinal Note on some question regarding the Participation of Catholics in Political Life.

- Martin Luther King, Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail (Role of Churches on social justice issues).

November 12:
A) Dignity of work and workers

- Encyclical Laborem exercens (On human work)

- Lamoureux, Patricia A., Laborem exercens (MCST 389 – 414).

- Mcn2 48-55; 101-106 (Labour)

Other readings (optional):

- CSDC n. 255-322.

- USCCB, Respecting the Just Rights of Workers.

November 19:
A) Private property
- Encyclical  Centesimus annus, (The hundredth year) - Finn, Daniel (MCST  436-466). - MCN 138-146 (The logic of Gift)
Other readings (optional):

- Pontifical council for Justice and Peace, The Universal Purpose of created things, (22011) (original 1979) - USCCB: “Economic Justice for All”, 1986, Intro & Chapter 2

- USCCB, Strangers No Longer: Together on a Journey of Hope, 2003.

November 26:
A) Franciscan Spirituality and Integral Ecology
- Encyclical Sollicitudo rei socialis, (On social concern)
- Curran, Charles E. – Himes, Kenneth R., Sollicitudo rei socialis (MCST 415-435).
- Carbajo Núñez, Martin, «Franciscan Spirituality and Integral ecology. Relational bases vs the Throwaway culture», in Islamochristiana 43 (2017) 59-78.
Other readings (optional):

- Delio, Ilia, “Evangelical life today living in the ecological Christ”, in Franciscan Studies 64 (2006) 475-506.

- Warner, Keith, “Franciscan environmental ethics. Imagining creation as a community of care”, in Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 31/1 (2011) 143-160

- Kim, Yeongseon, “St. Francis of Assisi and ecological conversion”, in Catholic Theology and Thought 78 (2017) 47-86.

December 3:
A) Ecological sin and the Sacrament of Reconciliation

- Encyclical Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth - Ef 4,15).

- Carbajo Núñez, Martin, «Ecological sin and the Sacrament of Reconciliation», in Verdad y Vida 280 (2018).

Other readings (optional):

- CSDC n. 323-376. - Gaudium et Spes, §§ 63-76; CCC, §§2401-2463. - Curran, Charles E., The reception of Catholic Social and Economic Teaching in the USA (MCST 469-521).

- Pontifical council for Justice and Peace, Social and ethical aspects of economics, 22011.


December 10:
A) Global ethical challenges in the light of the Encyclical Laudato Si'
- Francesco, Encyclical Laudato Si' (On care for our common home).
- CSDC n. 451-487 Carbajo Nuñez, Martin, «Global ethical challenges in the light of the Encyclical Laudato Si' and the Jubilee of Mercy», in Antonianum 91/2 (2016) 333-360.
- Delio – K.D. Warner – P. Wood, Care for Creation. A Franciscan spirituality of the earth, Franciscan Media, Cincinati 2007, 81-93.
Other readings (optional):

- USCCB, Renewing the Earth Edwards, Denis, “Ecological theology: Trinitarian perspectives”, in Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA) proceedings 72 (2017) 14-28.

- Damonte, Marco, “God, the Bible and the environment. An historical excursus on the relationship between Christian religion and ecology, in Relations 5.1 (2017) 27-45.

- Benestad, J.Brian, Church, State, and Society. An Introduction to Catholic Social Doctrine, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C.  2011.
- Brigham, Erin M. See, Judge, Act: Catholic Social Teaching and Service Learning, Anselm Academic, Winona, MN, 2013.
- O’Brien, David J. - Shannon, Thomas A., Catholic Social Thought. The Documentary Heritage, Orbis Books, Maryknoll N.Y.  2010.
- Clark, Meghan J., The Vision of Catholic Social Thought: The Virtue of Solidarity and the Praxis of Human Rights,Fortress Press, Minneapolis 2014.
- Himes, Kenneth R., Responses to 101 Questions on Catholic Social Teaching, Paulist Press, New York 22013.
- Massaro, Thomas , S.J. Living Justice, Catholic Social Teaching in Action. New York: Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham 32016
- Wiilliams, Thomas D. The World as it Could Be, Catholic Social Thought for a New Generation, Crossroads, New York 2011.
Bishops’ conferences on Ecology (quoted in LS):
- CBC_Southern African, On the Environmental Crisis, Sept 5, 1999.
- CBC_Latin American and Caribbean Bishops, Aparecida Document, 29 June 2007, n. 83-87.
- CBC_Philippines, What is happening to our beautiful land, Jan. 29, 1988.
- CBC_Bolivia, “Pastoral Letter on: El universo, don de Dios para la vida”, March 23, 2012.
- CBC_Canada. “You Love All that Exists… All Things are Yours, God, Lover of Life”, October 4, 2003.
- CBC_Japan, “Reverence for life”, Jan 1, 2001.
- CBC_RepDominicana, “Nuestra casa común”, June 5, 2017.
- CBC_New_Zealand, “Statement on environmental issues”, Sep 1, 2006.
- CBC_Australia, “A new Earth”, 2002.
- CBC_Argentina, “Una_tierra_para_todos”, 2005.
- CBC_Portugal, “Responsabilidade solidária pelo bem comum”, 2003.
- CBC_Mexico, “Jesucristo, vida y esperanza de los indígenas y campesinos”, 2008.
CE-602 Catholic Social Teaching
FST - Fall Semester 2024
- This course is activated at your Blackboard (link)
“Catholic social teaching (CST) is a central and essential element of our faith” and so there is an urgent need of a strengthened commitment to sharing it “at every level of Catholic education and faith formation” (USCCB). This course will help students to develop skills for critically applying CST to present ethical dilemmas, social justice and integral ecology.
Students will be invited to reflect together on the practical dimensions of each of the topics addressed and on how to apply them to specific aspects of parish ministry and evangelization. The Franciscan Intellectual Tradition will be also a source of inspiration.
HS 605 Franciscan Masters: Voluntarism
FST - Fall Semester 2024
- This course is activated at your Blackboard (link)
This reading course/seminar explores the topic of Franciscan voluntarism and its current relevance in facing ethical challenges. The seminar will focus mainly on the primary Franciscan sources on voluntarism but will also explore its importance today.
Thus, there will be a two-fold approach to the Franciscan emphasis on the will: 1) in its historical development, by examining primary source material from Bonaventure, Olivi, Scotus, and Ockham, 2) in its relevance today.
CE 601 Information Technology and Ethics
FST - Fall Semester 2023
- This course is activated at your Blackboard (link)

This course deals with ethical issues associated with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), along with other topics related to robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). ICT are reshaping our lifestyles, our perception of reality and our symbolic understanding of the world. For many people ICT are "the chief means of information and education, of guidance and inspiration" (RM 37).


In the light of Catholic social teaching (CST), this course will reflect on how to inhabit responsibly the new cultural environment that the ICT have created. We will also explore how to use them in running the parish, celebrating the liturgy and evangelizing.

CE 612 Eco-Theology and Indigenous cultures
FST - Fall Semester 2023
- This course is activated at your Blackboard (link)

This course will focus on ecotheology with a special attention to indigenous cultures. We will assume that these cultures can improve the Western approach and help us to properly address the current ecological crisis. So far, indigenous communities have been under-represented in Catholic theology, but the 2019 Amazon Synod proposes new pathways for the Church in that region so that she may have an Amazonian and indigenous face. The Church has thus shown the need to promote a deeper inculturation of the faith in the various indigenous cultures. Indeed, our faith is diverse and at the same time unified; consequently, local theologies as well as culture are important for the Church, also in addressing ecological issues.


The openness of the Franciscan intellectual tradition to universal fraternity and to the individuality of each being lays the basis for ecotheology and for a harmonious integration between Western scientific knowledge and the wisdom of indigenous peoples.

CE-602 Catholic Social Teaching
FST - Fall Semester 2022
- This course is activated at your Blackboard (link)
“Catholic social teaching (CST) is a central and essential element of our faith” and so there is an urgent need of a strengthened commitment to sharing it “at every level of Catholic education and faith formation” (USCCB). This course will study CST in order to develop skills for critically applying this teaching to present ethical dilemmas and to topics related to social justice and integral ecology. The Franciscan Intellectual Tradition will be also a source of inspiration.
HS 605 Franciscan Masters: Voluntarism
FST - Fall Semester 2022
- This course is activated at your Blackboard (link)
This reading course/seminar explores the topic of Franciscan voluntarism and its current relevance in facing ethical challenges. The seminar will focus mainly on the primary Franciscan sources on voluntarism but will also explore its importance today.
Thus, there will be a two-fold approach to the Franciscan emphasis on the will: 1) in its historical development, by examining primary source material from Bonaventure, Olivi, Scotus, and Ockham, 2) in its relevance today.
CE 611 Integral ecology and universal fraternity: Catholic Social Teaching
FST - Fall Semester 2021
- This course is activated at your Blackboard (link)

In the light of Catholic Social Teaching (CST), and more specifically of the encyclicals Laudato si' (LS) and Fratelli tutti (FT), this course will study the current ethical challenges about integral ecology and universal fraternity. In the common house, "everything is connected" (LS) and we are all connected (FT).


The Pope recognizes that Francis of Assisi inspired him to write both encyclicals, so we will explore also their Franciscan roots. Indeed, “it was the evangelical witness of St. Francis, with his school of thought, that gave the term ‘fraternity’ the meaning it then preserved over the centuries,” says the Pope

- Syllabus (PDF)
- This course will be activated at your Blackboard (link)
CE604 – CRN123 Franciscan Spirituality and Ethics in the Digital Age
FST - Fall Semester 2019

This course will focus on the relevance of the Franciscan Spirituality in addressing today’s ethical challenges, such as integral ecology (cf. Laudato Si’), economy, peace, communication and dialogue. Pope Francis affirms that interaction and communication are essential aspects of all that exists. Humans are dialogical beings and “everything is connected”.


The Franciscan perspective can help greatly to build this new relational paradigm that the Church is promoting, setting the theological and ethical bases of both communication and integral ecology. In doing so, the course will also underline that the new Media are gifts of God that can contribute decisively to strengthening the bonds of fraternal communication and to assuming a more responsible lifestyle. However, they also present ethical challenges that must be addressed.

- Syllabus (PDF)
- This course will be activated at your Blackboard (link)
CE-606 New Evangelization and Ethics in the Digital Age

FST - Fall Semester 2018


The Church “would feel guilty before the Lord” (EN 45) if she did not utilize the new media for evangelization, because for many people they are "the chief means of information and education, of guidance and inspiration" (RM 37).


This course will study the ethical challenges in communication technology that are also boundless opportunities for evangelization. We will explore the new role of Parish priests, catechists and teachers in educating the “mobile-born” generations and facing some specific problems as cyberbullying and exhibitionism in social networks.


We will also study the possible use of the new technologies in running the parish and celebrating the liturgy. Our analysis will be inspired at Catholic Social Teaching and Franciscan Spirituality.

- Syllabus (PDF) (PPS)
- This course will be activated at your Blackboard (link)
Course Outline & Schedule
September 4:
1. Course overview: Syllabus, course description and requirements
2. Evolution of communication: from oral to digital culture (part 1)
- Setting the Scene (Lynch 1-18)
Other readings (optional):

- Francis, “Communicating the Family: A - Privileged Place of Encounter with the Gift of Love

- John Paul II, “Television and family: guidelines for good viewing

- John Paul II, “The Media and the Family: A Risk and a Richness

September 11:
A) Evolution of communication: from oral to digital culture (part 2).

B) Current relevance of the Franciscan spirituality and charism (part 1)

- Vatican II, “Decree Inter Mirifica” - Carbajo Núñez, Martin, “Current relevance of the Franciscan perspective”, in Verdad y Vida, 2017.
Other readings:

- “The Internet: Between Theology and Technology” (Spadaro 1-19)

- “Orality and Literacy” (Mooij 41-62) USCCB, “Family Guide for using Media

September 18:
A) Evolution of communication: from oral to digital culture (part 3).

B) Current relevance of the Franciscan spirituality and charism (part 2)


- PCCS, “Pastoral instruction Communio et progressio

- “The Technology of the Book… Evolution of the Species” (Lynch 19-42)

Other readings (optional):

- John Paul II, “The Communications Media at the Service of Authentic Peace in the Light of 'Pacem in Terris’”

- Benedict XVI, “The Media: A Network for Communication, Communion and Cooperation

- "In intimacy, new solitudes“ (Turkle 151-186; 241-264)

September 25:
A) Ethical challenges in communication technology (part 1)

- PCCS, “Pastoral instruction Aetatis Novae on Social Communications

- Carbajo Núñez, Martin, «Digital Age Challenges and Consecrated Life», in Studia Moralia 53/2 (2015) 269-291.

Other readings (optional):

- “Talk about Technologies” (Gardner 15-34)

- “Ethics after the Information Revolution” (Floridi 3-19)

October 2:
A) Ethical challenges in communication technology (part 2)

B) Communication, communion and community

- Benedict XVI, “Social Networks: portals of truth and faith; new spaces for evangelization

- MCN 57-66 (Unity in diversity) 

- Education… Technological Fast (Lynch 63-76)

Other readings (optional):

- Rainie Lee - Kathryn Zickhur, "Americans' Views on Mobile Etiquette," Pew Research Center, 2015.

- Hussain, Ishad et al., "Getting closer Being Apart: living in the age of information and communication technologies,”in New Horizons 2/1 (2017) 1145-147.

- John Paul II, “Cinema: Communicator of Culture and of Values

October 9:
A) Hyper-connected generation and discernment

- XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Preparatory Document: “Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment,” Jan. 13, 2017, LEV, Vatican City 2017.

- Carbajo Núñez, Martín, «Hyper-connected generation and discernment. A Franciscan perspective»

Other readings (optional):

- John Paul II, “Mass media: a friendly companion for those in search of the Father”

- On the diminishing empathy: Konrath Sara -Edward H. O'Brien - Courtney Hsing, “Changes in Dispositional Empathy in American College Students over Time: a Meta-analysis,” in Personality and Social Psychology Review 15/2 (2011) 180-198.

- Hussain, Irshad et al., “Getting closer being apart: Living in the Age of Information and communication technologies”, in New Horizons 11/1 (2017) 145-160.

October 16 (Reading week)
October 23:
A) What is ethics? Codes of ethic B) The use of new technologies in liturgy
- PCSC, “Ethics in Internet” - PCSC, “The Church and Internet

- New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference, On the use of Ipads, tablets, mobile phones etc in liturgy (1 page)

- Quinn cap 2: “Introduction to Ethics” and cap. 9: “Professional Ethics

Other readings (optional):

- Benedict XVI, “The Priest and Pastoral Ministry in a Digital World: New Media at the Service of the Word”, (44th World Communications Day), 2010

- Whittier, David, “Cyber-ethics in the Googling Age”, in The Journal of Education 187/2 (2006) 1-86.

- "Liturgy, Sacraments, and Virtual Presence" (Spadaro 71-92)

October 30:
A) Mass Media theories: How information technology influences human behavior

B) Franciscan contribution to Science and technology

- Carbajo Núñez M., “Franciscan contribution to the process of rationalization,” (key factor of Modernity), in Verdad y Vida, 2017.
Other readings (optional):

- Whittier, David, “Cyber-ethics in the Googling Age”, in The Journal of Education 187/2 (2006) 1-86.

- “Social Media”, in Valkenburg, Patti M. – Piotrowski, Jessica T. Plugged in, Yale University Press, Yale 2017, 218-243.


November 6:


A) Ethical principles to regulate the Media

B) The Franciscan principle of Freedom

- PCCS, “Ethics in Communication”.

- MCN 121-131

- The Obstinacy of the Physical (Lynch 43-62)

Other readings (optional):

John Paul II, “Social Communications in the Service of Responsible Human Freedom”, (15th World Communications Day), 1981.

- Benedict XVI, “Social Networks: portals of truth and faith; new spaces for evangelization”, 47th World Communications Day, 2013.

- Rosen, Christine, “Virtual Friendship and the New Narcissism”, in The New Atlantis 17 (2007) 15-31.

- Benedict XVI, “The Media: At the Crossroads between Self-Promotion and Service. Searching for the Truth in order to Share it with Others.

November 13:
A) Communication techniques used by Christians along history

B) The Spirit of Assisi: Dialogue to face the current ethical challenges

- Francis, “Fake news and journalism for peace” (52nd World Communications Day), 2018
- “The Spirit of Assisi: the contribution by religions to peaceful coexistence in society” (PDF)
Other readings (optional):

- Francis, “Communicating Hope and Trust in our Time” (51st World Communications Day), 2017

- Benedict XVI, “Message to Bishop Domenico Sorrentino on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the interreligious meeting of prayer for peace”, 2-09-2006, in AAS 98 (2006) 749-754.

- Francis, “Communication and Mercy: A Fruitful Encounter” (50th World Communications Day), 2016.

- Britton, Karla, Constructing the ineffable: contemporary sacred architecture, Yale Univ. press, New Haven CT 2011.

November 20:
A) Privacy B) The Franciscan principle of gratuitousness

- PCSC, “Ethics in advertising.”

- MCN 132-136
Other readings (optional):
- Quinn, cap. 5: “Information privacy” - Benedict XVI, “New Technologies, New Relationships. Promoting a Culture of Respect, Dialogue and Friendship”, (43rd World Communications Day), 2009. - "Everyone is Watching: Privacy and Surveillance in Digital Life” (Miller 111-132)

November 27:
A) Pornography and Violence in the Media

B) The Franciscan principles of fraternity & Common Good

- PCSC, “Pornography and Violence in the Communications Media: a pastoral response
- MCN 137-146
Other readings (optional):

- “Pornography in Cyberspace and Content Controls” (Spinello 65-78).

- Lipton, Jacquelin D., “Combating Cyber-Victimization”, in Berkeley Technology Law Journal 26/2 (Spring 2011) 1103-1155.

- John Paul II, “The communications Media: At the service of understanding among peoples”, (39th World Communications Day), 2005.


December 4:


A) Evangelization in the Digital Era

B) Media and the Church: seven reasons of a complex relationship


- Benedict XVI, “Silence and Word: Path of Evangelization

- Benedict XVI, “Social Networks: portals of truth and faith; new spaces for evangelization

- John Paul II, “Internet: A New Forum for Proclaiming the Gospel

Other readings (optional):

- Benedict XVI, “The Media: A Network for Communication, Communion and Cooperation”, (40th World Communications Day) 2006.

- John Paul II, “The Communications Media and the Unity and Progress of the Human Family”, (25th World Communications Day), 1991.

- "Social media and the problem of community,” in MILLER, Vincent, Understanding Digital culture, Sage, Los Angeles 2011, 184-205. .

December 11:

A) Cyberbullying, exhibitionism, and other online addictions

B) Current values in line with the Franciscan tradition


- Benedict XV: “Children and the Media: A Challenge for Education” - Francis, “Communication at the Service of an Authentic Culture of Encounter

- MCN 159-167

Other readings (optional):

- Hong, Fu-Yuan – Chiu Su-Lin, “Influencing Facebook Addictive Tendency in University Students”, in Sites and Health 32 (2016) 117-127.

- Costa, Elisabetta, “Visual posting: Showing off and shifting boundaries between private and public”, in Social Media in Southeast Turkey

- Rodgers, Rachel F., “Internet addiction symptoms, disordered eating, and body image avoidance”, in Cyberpsychology. Behavior, and Social Networking 16/1 (2013) 56-60.

- Chiang, I-Ping, - Su, Yung-Hsiang, “Measuring and analyzing the causes of problematic Internet use”, in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 15/11 (2012)



- Gardner, Howard – Davis, Katie, The App generation. How today’s youth navigate identity, intimacy and imagination in a digital world, Yale Univ. press, London 2013.
- Kruse, John V., Discovering the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition: a life-giving vision, Franciscan Institute publications, St. Bonaventure NY 2017.
- Lynch, Jonah, The scent of lemons: technology and relationships in the age of Facebook, Darton Longman & Todd, London 2012.
- Blum Christopher O. - Joshua P. Hochschild, A Mind at Peace: Reclaiming an Ordered Soul in the Age of Distraction, Sophia Institute Press, Manchester 2017.
- Miller, Vincent, Understanding digital culture, Sage, London 2013 (reprint).
Quinn, Michael J., Ethics for the Information Age, 7th Ed., Pearson, Boston 2016.
- Spadaro, Antonio, Cybertheology: thinking Christianity in the era of the Internet, Fordham Univ. Press, New York 2014.
- Spinello, Richard A., CyberEthics: Morality and Law in Cyberspace, 6th edition, Jones & Barlett Learning, Burlington, MA 2017.
- Turkle, Sherry, Alone Together Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other, 3rd ed., Basic Books, New York 2017.



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