Inicio > cursos > CARBAJO NÚÑEZ Viernes 25 Octubre 2024

Curso "UWM-2022 UWM Contemporary image of the world / Współczesny obraz świata "

Prof. Martín CARBAJO NÚÑEZ >>
2 semestre (7 ects)
UWM-2022 Contemporary image of the world / Współczesny obraz świata * (21 )

Full course sections

This 60-hour course will have three sections that will be distributed in this way:
A) 5-hour lessons on Moral theology: on January 12 and 16, 2022.
B) 25-hour lessons on spirituality and dogmatic theology.
C) 30-hour lessons on "Contemporary image of the world". This section will be addressed mainly to first year students of theology, even if other PhD students will be also invited to take part in some lessons.

Required texts for section C

1.     Carbajo Núñez, Martín, Siostra Matka Ziemia. Franciszkańskie korzenie Laudato Si', Studio SQL, Olsztyn 2019. (hereafter: Siostra).
2.     Carbajo Núñez, Martín, Wolna i braterska ekonomia. Perspektywa franciszkańska, Studio SQL, Olsztyn 2019. (hereafter: Ekonomia).
3.     Carbajo Núñez M., „Wszystko jest połączone” Integralna ekologia i komunikacja w erze cyfrowej, Ed. Wydział Teologii UWM, Olsztyn 2020. (hereafter: komunika).

- Class Format:

· Every lesson will have two different sections: a reading from the three required books and a study topic.

· Consistently thoughtful and active participation in class is essential to the success of this course. Attendance is only a precondition for participation, not the measure of it.

· Students are expected to provide well-reasoned contributions to class discussions and be prepared to raise questions in response to the readings. 


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Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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