> > > Cavicchia Wednesday 23 October 2024

Foto Cavicchia Alessandro , ĢGuarderanno a colui che hanno trafittoģ: Studio di ermeneutica cristologica Su Zac 12,10 in Gv 19,37 (1Ē parte), in Antonianum, 87/3 (2012) p. 205-257 .

Summary: This paper studies the history of the textual form and the interpretations of Zech 12,10, cited in Joh19,37. Textual inquiry recognise the MT as the authentic tradition. From the analyses based on intertextual connections, it results that Zech 12,10 must be understood in light of the entire eschatological prophecy of cc. 12–14: the gift of Yhwh’ spirit and the death of the mysterious character in 12,10, are part of a cleansing process in the house of David, in the inhabitants of Jerusalem and in all the land (cf. 13,1-2). Finally, “on that day”, Yhwh as unique king over all the earth (cf. 14,9), will ensure the victory of Jerusalem over its enemies and the establishment of universal worship (cf. 14,11-21).

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