Inicio > Revista Antonianum > Artículos > Zavalloni Martes 17 Septiembre 2024

Revista Antonianum
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Foto Zavalloni Roberto , Linee di sviluppo nella concezione della « corporeità » umana, in Antonianum, 65/2-3 (1990) p. 345-382 .

Summary — The present work delineates the development in the concept of human «corporeity» adopting a historical-systematic criterion: the Author accentuates its importance and function to man in general, and its specific significance to the Christian in particular. Having exposed the originality and complexity of the biblical view of corporeity, he brings into confrontation two methods of critical analysis, which can be qualified as « diachronic » reflexion and « synchronic » reflexion on corporeity. He passes on to illustrate the rele­vance and actuality of the problem in its reference to both Christian and human experience. The work concludes with an expectation for the return to the biblical view of corporeity as an aspect of the total concept of man.

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