Inicio > cursos > CARBAJO NÚÑEZ Sábato 07 Diciembre 2024

Curso "CE 611 Integral ecology and universal fraternity: Catholic Social Teaching"

Prof. Martín CARBAJO NÚÑEZ >>
1º e 2 semestre (3 ects)
CE 611 Integral ecology and universal fraternity: Catholic Social Teaching* (2020/21 )
In the light of Catholic Social Teaching (CST), and more specifically of the encyclicals Laudato si' (LS) and Fratelli tutti (FT), this course will study the current ethical challenges about integral ecology and universal fraternity. In the common house, "everything is connected" (LS) and we are all connected (FT). The Pope recognizes that Francis of Assisi inspired him to write both encyclicals, so we will explore also their Franciscan roots. Indeed, “it was the evangelical witness of St. Francis, with his school of thought, that gave the term ‘fraternity’ the meaning it then preserved over the centuries,” says the Pope.

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Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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