Inicio > Publicaciones > Chareire Jueves 19 Septiembre 2024

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La grâce est un combat

Foto Chareire Isabelle , La grâce est un combat, in Antonianum, 79/2 (2004) p. 305-330 .

Summary: From the point of view of a theology of grace, in conjunction with the anthropological categories of Paul Ricoeur, this article tries to conceptualize God.s gift within the dialectics of .power and weakness. The analysis of 2 Cor 11:16 - 12:10 ("My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness".) and of Gen 32: 23-33 (Jacob's fight with the angel) discloses an understanding of grace, which assumes both dimensions. Grace, from this point of view, is not the medicinal pouring out of divine power into human weakness, but the event of a liberating encounter. Therefore, God, self-revealing, in these contexts, is not a God stripped of his omnipotence, but a God hidden from full human understanding.

Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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