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Prof. publications (9)


(Books: 1; Articles: in academic journals 4; in books 4; Others 0 ; Blogs: 0)

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Books (1)
Matula Stanislaw Bogusz , ‘Sponsa castae dilectionis, aula sanctae inhabitationis, officina mirae operationis’. Niepokalane Poczęcie Maryi, Matki Zbawiciela, w nauczaniu św. Bonawentury, .

(Books: 1; Articles: in academic journals 4; in books 4; Others 0 ; Blogs: 0)

Articles in books (4)
Matula Stanislaw Bogusz , Bernardino da Siena – Preacher of Life and Practitioner of the Word (in giapponese), in Nature and Grace in the Franciscan School , 2010, p. .
Matula Stanislaw Bogusz , Sermones/Sermoni, in Dizionario bonaventuriano , edited by Caroli E., 2008, p. .
Matula Stanislaw Bogusz , Admiratio - Sursummactio - Liber, in Dizionario bonaventuriano , edited by Caroli E., 2008, p. .
Matula Stanislaw Bogusz , ‘Sponsa castae dilectionis’. Il fiat della creatura al Creatore nella risposta di fede di Maria, in La Vergine Maria nella teologia e nella spiritualità francescana. , , p. .

(Books: 1; Articles: in academic journals 4; in books 4; Others 0 ; Blogs: 0)

Articles published in academic journals (4)
Matula Stanislaw Bogusz, Sacra Scriptura, Sancta Virgo, Spiritus Sanctus. Maria e la molteplice rivelazione di Gesù Cristo nell’insegnamento di San Bonaventura da Bagnoregio , in Antonianum 83/2 (2008) p. 191-226.

Summary: The theory of illumination is centred by Bonaventure on the cate-gory of light, and is one of the indispensable trajectories of interpreting his writings. Prominent in this context is a very ample conception of revelation. The Seraphic Doctor not only starts from a vestigium of God’s design revealed in Creation, decipherable by the person of faith, ... (More)

Matula Stanislaw Bogusz, Amor sursumagit. Rola miłości w teologii św. Bonawentury.(Il ruolo dell’amore nella teologia di San Bonaventura), in Szkoła Seraficka 2 (2008) p. 126-150.
Matula Stanislaw Bogusz, «Wierzę w święty Kościół...» Subiektywna i obiektywna świętość Kościoła i Biskupa w niektórych dokumentach Magisterium (Credo la Chiesa santa… La santità soggettiva e oggettiva della Chiesa e del Vesc, in Przegląd Kalwaryjski 11 (2007) p. 151-174.
Matula Stanislaw Bogusz, Ars praedicandi. Kaznodziejstwo jako sztuka według św. Bonawentury z Bagnorei (La predicazione come arte secondo S. Bonaventura da Bagnoregio), in Przegląd Kalwaryjski 10 (2006) p. 359-386.
Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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