Friar Paolo Martinelli, O.F.M.Cap., named Bishop |
23/06/2014 |
Friar Paolo Martinelli, O.F.M.Cap., director of the Franciscan Institute of Spirituality at the Pontifical University Antonianum has been named Auxiliary Bishop of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Milan by Pope Francis, giving it the title of bishop of Numidia Musti. Friar Paolo was born in Milan on October 22, 1958 and he took solemn vows as a Friar Minor capuchin, December 23, 1984. He was ordained to the ministerial priesthood, September 7, 1985.... + info
Collaboration with the Seraphicum |
23/06/2014 |
In the last months, there has been a clear intensification of contacts between the Pontifical University Antonianum and the Seraphicum Pontifical Theological Faculty, which is run by the Friars Minor Conventual, in order to promote a larger academic collaboration. It has been of special relevance the meeting celebrated at the Antonianum on June 23, 2014. On behalf of the Seraphicum there were present the Dean, prof. Domenico Paoletti, and two other professors: Rachele Sc... + info 
Franciscan Studies Week in Peru |
01/09/2014 |
The Franciscan family of Perù and the Pontifical University Antonianum are organizing a Franciscan Studies Week in Lima, in Perù, to be held September 1-5 2014 for religious and lay men and women on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the proclamation di St. Francis as Patron of ecology.
The event will be opened with a greeting by Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne, Archbishop of Lima and Primate of Perù, which will be followed by a welcome by the president of the Francisca... + info 
Encounter and Symposium in Istanbul |
18/09/2014 |
Next September, the prefects and professors of the Institutes affiliated to the Pontifical University Antonianum will participate, in two important events that will take place in Istanbul: the Eleventh Encounter of the prefects and professors of affiliated Institutes and the Twelfth Islamic-Christian Symposium. Thus crowning off a three year study, which the affiliated Institutes have dedicated to Evangelization and dialogue.... + info
Vocation and Connection |
22/09/2014 |
The Franciscan Institute of Spirituality of the Pontifical University Antonianum is hosting a Conference entitled Vocation and Connection; Formation Challenges in the Digital Age from Monday September 22 to Wednesday September 24, in the Auditorium Antonianum.
Starting with a vision open to the opportunities of digital communication the conference will deepen the anthropological challenges relative to the formative process and the construction of a consecrated identity.
... + info 
Medieval Franciscanism: History, Philosophy & Theology |
06/10/2014 |
The advanced Master's in Medieval Franciscanism: History, Philosophy and Theology is organized by the Graduate School of Medieval and Franciscan Studies of the Pontifical University Antonianum and the Department of Human Sciences of the Libera Università degli Studi Maria SS. Assunta... + info 
Franciscan Theological Thought |
06/10/2014 |
Beginning with the academic year 2014-2015 the Theology Faculty of the Pontifical University Antonianum will offer the possibility of attaining a License in dogmatic theology focusing on Franciscan theological thought. The program of study will offer academic formation in the heritage and tradition of the Franciscan school of thought.... + info 
Artistic mediation in relationship to care |
06/10/2014 |
The Philosophy Faculty, in collaboration with the Nuova Associazione Europea per le Arti Terapie, is sponsoring a professional master’s in Video, photography, theater and artistic mediation in relationship to care.
The professional master’s is achieved through a combination of onsite and distance courses, formation workshops and seminars, personal and assisted study, preparation for the final exam and the writing of a thesis for a total of 1500 hours and gives the student a total of 60 academic... + info 
New Book on the Function of Desire in the Spiritual Life |
15/06/2014 |
Newly published: La función del deseo en la vida espiritual según Buenaventura de Bagnoregio, by Carlos Esteban Salto Solá, Edizioni Antonianum (2014) in the Series Studia Antoniana.
The author deals with the theme of desire in the Christian’s journey of faith according to Bonaventure of Bagnoregio. Desire takes one from the original impulse to advancement in the conformation to Christ crucified. He offers a reflection on the human person as a subject who desir... + info 
Tribute for André Vauchez |
20/06/2014 |
The Istituto Luigi Sturzo hosted a gathering on Friday June 20, 2014 in tribute to Prof. André Vauchez, who recently received the Balzan Award for Medieval History. The award is «for his groundbreaking studies on medieval spirituality in Western Christianity and its central role in everyday life in the Middle Ages, for his research on the medieval conception of holiness and on the sacralization of space and time, for his contributions to research on monastic and women’s piety, for his all-encomp... + info 
Newly published: Fedeltà e perseveranza vocazionale |
20/06/2014 |
Newly published: Fedeltà e perseveranza vocazionale in una cultura del provvisorio. Modelli di lettura e proposte formative, edited by Paolo Martinelli and Albert Schmucki, Edizioni Dehoniane, Bologna 2014.
The book is a compilation of the acta from a study day dedicated to vocational fidelity and perseverance in a our contemporary cultures: Fedeltà e perseveranza vocazionale in una «cultura del provvisorio». It was organized by the Franciscan Spirit... + info 