Newsletter > 15/03/2014 Wednesday 22 January 2025


Study day on how mercy reveals the name of God
A study day on how mercy reveals the name of God is being organized by the Theology Facolty of the Pontifical University on Wednesday, March 26, 2014. Presentations will be given by Prof. Giovanni Cesare Pagazzi on the faithfulness of the mercyful -, Mario Cucca on how mercy accuses - and Johannes Baptist Freyer on Franciscan mercy - There will be a panel discussion led by Prof. Marco Nobile after the presentations....
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Prof. Martín Carbajo as CRUPR delegate in Helsinki
The Rectors of the Pontifical Roman Universities Conference (CRUPR) have appointed prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez as their delegate to the 4th Eunis Rectors' Conference that will take place at Helsinki (Finland) on April 3-5, 2014. The Conference will study The New Digital Era in Higher Education, a very important argument to all the Pontifical Universities in this moment of profound changes in education. The Conference is organized by the ...
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Alexander of Hales
A presentation of the critical edition of Alexander of Hales’s works: Quaestiones disputatae quae ad rerum universitatem pertinent and Quaestiones disputatae de peccato originali will be held Thursday 20 March, 2014, at 4:00, at the Pontifical University Antonianu . The book was edited by Mateusz Wierzbicki, and published by Editiones Collegii S. Bonaventurae Ad Claras Aquas....
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Antigone Today: Religious Freedom and Rights
Tuesday March 25, 2014, at 4:00 pm, the third session of the conferences Religious Freedom in Question: Anthropology, History, Rights, Cinema, organized by the Franciscan Institute of Spirituality of the Pontifical University Antonianum. The session is dedicated to Antigone, Today: Religious Freedom and Rights and will be moderated by Prof. Mario Cucca with a presentation by Prof. Andrea Pin, with an introduction by Prof. Paolo Martinelli, Dire...
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The Sayings of Blessed Giles of Assisi
On Friday March 28, 2014, at 15:00 pm, a meeting of study will be held on the critical edition of The Sayings of Blessed Giles of Assisi, edited by Stefano Brufani, who belongs to the Italian Center for Medieval Studies....
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Franciscan Economy: a proposal to overcome the crisis (prof. Carbajo)
Thursday May 15, 2014, at 17:00 pm, a presentation of prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez' new book: "Economia francescana: una proposta per uscire dalla crisi" ("Franciscan Economy: a proposal to overcome the crisis") will be held at the Alphonsian Academy. Prof. Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli will be the speaker at the presentation of this volume which has been published by Edizioni Dehoniane of Bologna. In this book, the reader will find an ...
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New book on Colette de Corbie
New book on Colette de Corbie (Acta of the 7th Study day on Franciscan women held November 17, 2012) Colette de Corbie. Ripartire da Cristo sulle orme di Chiara. Atti della VII Giornata di studio sull'Osservanza francescana al femminile (Assisi - Monastère S. Colette, 17 novembre 2012), Edizioni Porziuncola, Assisi 2014, pp. 96, euro 14,00. This book covers the more important and significant moments in Colette de Corbie's evangelical adventure so as to harvest its wealth for today....
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New book considering good and evil in Dante’s Divine Comedy
New in book stores Ricardo Lucio Perriello , La scienza del bene e del male nella Divina Commedia, published by Edizioni Antonianum in the Medieval series. The book on Dante’s Divine Comedy, proposes a reading of the work using the metaphysical categories of the so-called Platonism of Tübingen. The core of the proposal concerns the presence of a science of good and evil, which is progressively acquired during Dante’s journey. This science - one of the cornerstones of Pl...
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Presentation of the book Espíritus elementales, by Heinrich Heine, in Murcia
When: Thursday 20 February at 7.30 pm. Where: In the Auditorium Event: A presentation of the book Espíritus elementales (Elemental Spirits) by poet, Heinrich Heine. The book was originally written in German and in it, the poet takes the great creations of the popular soul and offers their timeless value to contemporary audiences. The translator, José Antonio Gómez Molina, Professor of the Theological Institute of Murcia OFM, claims this text has undeniable modern valu...
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The Processes of democratization in Sub-Saharian Africa (prof. Manhiça)
Last 6 December has been presented the new book of prof. Manhiça OFM, docent of the Folosophy Faculty. Despite the persisting structural, cultural, economic and international issues which hinder the development and the consolidation of the democratic system, Africa is, however, experiencing an irreversible process of political transition. In his Book, I processi di democratizzazione nell’Africa Sub-sahariana, published by L’Harmattan Italia, in 2013, Alfredo Manhiça des...
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Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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