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Prof. publications (2)


(Books: 0; Articles: in academic journals 2; in books 0; Others 0 ; Blogs: 0)

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(Books: 0; Articles: in academic journals 2; in books 0; Others 0 ; Blogs: 0)

Articles published in academic journals (2)
Harsányi Pál Ottó , La sfida dell’eutanasia e una proposta nella prospettiva della teologia della pace. II. L’eutanasia alla luce della risurrezione, in Antonianum 84/1 (2009) p. 109-141.

Summary: Euthanasia is an act of violence against the weak, who are not properly cared for but killed. At the same time, euthanasia undermines in an insidious way the peaceful coexistence within society. In the Paschal Mystery, God responded to the dominance of force by non-violent action. Euthanasia, then, is morally wrong, ultimately destroying the alliance betw... (More)

Harsányi Pál Ottó , La sfida dell’eutanasia e una proposta nella prospettiva della teologia della pace. I. Una chiarificazione terminologica e le principali risposte offerte dalla tradizione, in Antonianum 83/4 (2008) p. 557-588.

Summary: Difficulties arise when looking for a precise interpretation of euthanasia as a phenomenon due to the different meaning associated with the term throughout history. This is why a definition of terms is indispensable. Those who request euthanasia in most cases wish to depart a world that has abandoned them physically and spiritually. The response Catholic ... (More)

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