Inicio > Revista Antonianum > Viernes 25 Octubre 2024

Publicaciones del autor David-M. A. Jaeger (35)

Ad lectores (22)
Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 86/1 (2011) p. 5-8.

Africa is, according to the (Oxford) dictionary, “the second-largest continent, a southward projection of the Old World land mass divided roughly in two by the ... (Continúa)

Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 86/3 (2011) p. 415-418.

Is it only my impression, or is it objectively verifiable that, in a number of Catholic scholarly journals, the proportion of articles dedicated to the Christian Myst... (Continúa)

Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 86/4 (2011) p. 635-638.

Wonders shall never cease! Nor shall we ever exhaust the unending riches of the written Word of God. The most highly specialised will per... (Continúa)

Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 85/1 (2010) p. 5-8.

Since sometime in the nineteenth century a fundamental question has lurked behind Christian theological discourse. It could be given all ... (Continúa)

Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 85/2 (2010) p. 185-188.

“Secularism” is a favourite bogeyman in ecclesiastical circles in our time.


Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 85/4 (2010) p. 523-525.

“L’Etat c’est moi!” King Louis XIV of France famously exclaimed, apparently in a rapture of wholly singular megalomania – or so... (Continúa)

Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 84/1 (2009) p. 9-10.

In its fourth issue of 2008, Antonianum published an article by Professor Richard Cross (“Fides et Ratio: The Har... (Continúa)

Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 84/2 (2009) p. 219-222.

Even at this late date it is at least probable that most of you remember the media furore that followed statements attributed to Pope BEN... (Continúa)

Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 84/3 (2009) p. 419-423.

As we go to press we learn that the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science has been awarded to Elinor Ostrom (of Indiana University) an... (Continúa)

Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 84/4 (2009) p. 637-638.

Christianity is all about Christ. This seems to be a somewhat fatuous statement, not even a truism but pure tautology, a superfluous restatement of the wholly obvious... (Continúa)

Jaeger David M. , Ad lectores, in Antonianum 83/1 (2008) p. 5-7.

Few subjects have exercised both Catholic and non-Catholic theolo­gians in the Conc... (Continúa)

Jaeger David M., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 83/3 (2008) p. 367-368.

Peace, Love, Faith, Happiness, are together the subjects of most of this issue o... (Continúa)

Jaeger David M., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 83/4 (2008) p. 553-556.

With this issue another year of Antonianum, another volume, the eighty third, ... (Continúa)

Jaeger David-M. A. , Ad lectores, in Antonianum 82/3 (2007) p. 409-413.

Can the Word of God be studied as if there were no God (etsi Deus non daretur)? This is, in essence (or, if you prefer, in extre... (Continúa)

Jaeger David-M. A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 82/1 (2007) p. 5-8.

Content is not, of course, the only thing that matters in a periodical (or any other) publication. In an academic (not to say, general) e... (Continúa)

Jaeger David-M.A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 82/2 (2007) p. 205-207.

It was a right-wing U.S. Senator of the Catholic persuasion who, a few years ago, brought to the fore, in a characteristically blunt mann... (Continúa)

Jaeger David M.A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 82/4 (2007) p. 629-631.

As Antonianum is going to press the former Rector Magnificus of the Pontifical Athenaeum Antonianum, Father Umberto Bett... (Continúa)

Jaeger David M.A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 81/1 (2006) p. 3-4.

Our readers will have noticed, one trusts, the new cover chosen for issues of Antonianum starting with this one. The work of a g... (Continúa)

Jaeger David-M.A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 81/2 (2006) p. 207.

This is a “heavy-duty” issue of Antonianum, one that is not a little demanding and yet proportionately rewarding. It... (Continúa)

Jaeger David-M.A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 81/3 (2006) p. 411.

Our editorial team is very pleased to be able to offer once more to our readers contents of the high quality that has been characteristic... (Continúa)

Jaeger David-M.A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 81/4 (2006) p. 609-613.

The “question of labour,” which occupied such a prominent place in industrialised societies through much of the nineteenth century and the first half of t... (Continúa)

Jaeger David-M.A., Ad lectores, in Antonianum 80/4 (2005) p. 387.

At the close of this year of Antonianum it is a pleasant duty of the new editorial team to express heartfelt gratitude and appre... (Continúa)

Artículos (2)
Jaeger David M. , Erezione di circoscrizioni ecclesiastiche orientali, in Antonianum 75/3 (2000) p. 499-521.

Summary: An analysis of the Conciliar and legislative texts of the Church shows that provision for the pastoral care and spiritual needs ... (Continúa)

Jaeger David-M., Animadversiones quaedam de necessitudine inter potestatem ordinis et regiminis iuxta C.I.C. recognitum, in Antonianum 59/3-4 (1984) p. 628-646.
Recensiones (11)
Jaeger David M., Articoli del Professore P.Adriano Garuti O.F.M.(1938-2008) pubblicati sulla Rivista Antonianum-Libri del Professore P.Adriano Garuti O.F.M.(1938-2008) pubblicati dalla Casa Editrice Antonianum, in Antonianum 83/2 (2008) p. 189-190.
  1. "Il Papa Patriarca d'Occidente? Riflessioni sull'origine del titol... (Continúa)
Jaeger David M.A., Recensione: ADRIANO GARUTI, Libertā religiosa ed ecumenismo: La questione del "territo-rio canonico" in Russia, in Antonianum 81/1 (2006) p. 163-165.

One of the commonest errors in (mis)understanding the Conciliar and Papal teaching on ecumenism is surely that of simply assuming that th... (Continúa)

Jaeger David-Maria, Libri nostri: ADRIANO GARUTI O.F.M., Saggi di Ecumenismo, in Antonianum 78/4 (2003) p. 743-746.

The enormous complexity introduced into ecclesiological discourse by the teaching of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council on ecumenism, specifically on the relations... (Continúa)

Jaeger David M., Recensione: Natura e futuro delle Conferenze Episcopali. Atti del Colloquio internazionale di Sala-manca (3-8 gennaio 1988), a cura di H. Legrand, J. Manzanares e A. Garcia y Garcia; Natwaleza y futuro de las Conferencias Episcopates: Adas del Coloquio in, in Antonianum 67/1 (1992) p. 156-158.

The  Salamanca  international  colloquium  on  the  nature  and future of Bi­shops' Conference... (Continúa)

Jaeger David M. , Recensione: Giorgio Feliciani, Le basi del diritto canonico: dopo il Codice del 1983; Giorgio Feliciani, Il popolo di Dio , in Antonianum 67/1 (1992) p. 158-159.

Giorgio Feliciani is without a doubt one of the best known and most highly regarded contemporary canonists. A married layman and father o... (Continúa)

Jaeger David M., Recensione: Aidan McGrath, A Controversy Concerning Male Impotence , in Antonianum 66/4 (1991) p. 591-592.

This solution itself — shortly afterwards forcefully recalled by the same Pon­tiff in a discourse to the Rota — raised a ... (Continúa)

Jaeger David -Maria A., Recensione: Romeo Astorri, Gli Statuti delle Conferenze Episcopali. I: Europa , in Antonianum 64/2-3 (1989) p. 680-682.

Episcopal Conferences have an important and highly visible role to play in the life of the Church today, even quite ... (Continúa)

Jaeger David M., Recensione: E. Garth Moore and Timothy Briden, Moore's Introduction to English Canon Law (Second Edition), in Antonianum 61/1 (1986) p. 184-186.

Students of comparative religious legislation, which means anyone with an intelligent interest in laws and norms of any kind, which gover... (Continúa)

Jaeger David M., Recensione: Winfried Schulz, Der neue Codex und die kirchlichen Vereine, in Antonianum 61/2-3 (1986) p. 500.

This is a very useful little book, very competently written and well organised. It is specifically designed for the guidance of those who... (Continúa)

Jaeger David-M. , Recensione: FRANZ MUSSNER, Traktat iiber die Juden. , in Antonianum 59/1-2 (1984) p. 326-328.

This is an attempt by a noted promoter of Christian-Jewish dialogue to produce a theological treatise pro Judaeis to re... (Continúa)

Jaeger David M., Miscellanea: References and Préferences in the Christian-Jewish Dialogue , in Antonianum 58/2-3 (1983) p. 479-487.

There can be no doubt that the Christian-Jewish dialogue is a worthy enterprise full of... (Continúa)

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