Inizio > Pubblicazioni > Carbajo Núñez Giovedì 13 febbraio 2025

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From Amoris Laetitia to Fratelli Tutti. The importance of family relationships

Foto Carbajo Núñez Martín , From Amoris Laetitia to Fratelli Tutti. The importance of family relationships, in Verdad y Vida, 79/277 (2021) p. 237-253 .

Abstract: In the light of the post-synodal exhortation Amoris Laetitia, this article studies "the gospel of the family" and the importance of family relationships in social life. Today, there is an "omnipresent need for a healthy injection of family spirit" (AL 183). The encyclical Fratelli tutti takes up this need and invites all to promote fraternity and social friendship in our globalized society, that "makes us neighbors but does not make us brothers." This article asserts that the family is fundamental in the development of our four fundamental relationships (1st part) and in education (2nd part). Furthermore, the family introduces fraternity into the world (3rd part) and it is the principal agent of integral ecology (4th part).
Key words: Family, Marriage, Amoris Laetitia, Fraternity, Social Friendship, Integral Ecology.
Sumario: A la luz la exhortación post-sinodal Amoris Laetitia, el presente artículo estudia "el evangelio de la familia" y la importancia de las relaciones familiares en la vida social. Hoy se siente la necesidad "de una robusta inyección de espíritu familiar" (AL 183). La encíclica Fratelli tutti recoge esa necesidad y aboga por favorecer la fraternidad y la amistad social en nuestra sociedad globalizada que “nos hace más cercanos, pero no más hermanos." La experiencia de familia es fundamental en el desarrollo de las cuatro relaciones fundamentales del ser humano (1ª parte) y en la educación (2ª parte). Además, la familia introduce la fraternidad en el mundo (3ª parte) y es el agente principal de la ecología integral (4ª parte).
Palabras clave: Familia, Matrimonio, Amoris Laetitia, Fraternidad, Amistad social, Ecología integral.


1. The concept of family and its four levels
1.1. Trinitarian communion and family communion
1.2. Humans are family beings
1.2.1. We need to overcome the current negative anthropology
1.2.2. The family is the natural habitat of the human being
1.2.3. Assisting in the discernment
1.3. A universal family
1.4. A cosmic family
2. Education and family relations
2.1. The family is the most important school
2.2. Family relations in the university
3. Family love and social love
3.1. The desire for true love
3.2. Social love
4. Family and ecology

Parole chiave: Family, Marriage, Amoris Laetitia, Fraternity, Social Friendship, Integral Ecology

(File allegato)
Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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