Newsletter > 14/05/2023 Wednesday 04 December 2024

Labor as grace and hope for the future
Bologna 14 May 2023

Place: Bologna
Date: 14/05/2023
PUA On May 14, 2023, at 15:30 pm, Prof. Martin Carbajo-Núñez will speak in Bologna (Italy) about work at a meeting organized by the Social Cooperative "Frate Jacopa". (Youtube video)

The meeting will be based on the recent message "Young people and work to nourish hope", published by the Italian Episcopal Conference on the occasion of the celebration of May 1, 2023. The current situation of work and possible ways to restore its dignity will be discussed. This is the official news:

Cycle "Si vis pacem, para civitatem"
Sunday, May 14, 2023, 3:30 p.m.
Rel. Martín Carbajo-Núñez, Ofm (Moral Theology and Ethics of Communication, Pontifical Antonianum University)

In the Cycle "Si vis pacem, para civitatem," promoted by the Franciscan Fraternity "Frate Jacopa" and the Parish of S. Maria Annunziata in Fossolo, the meeting next May 14 is dedicated to the theme of work. In a context of strong transformations, of job precarization, a poor job, it is important to bring us back to the fundamental values to recover the dignity of work. We will discuss this in dialogue with Fr. Martin Carbajo-Núñez, professor of Moral Theology and Ethics of Communication at the Pontifical Antonianum University and FST in the US.

The meeting will take place in presence on Sunday, May 14, 2023 at 3:30 p.m., in the Hall of S. Maria Annunziata di Fossolo in Bologna. It will then be available online on the Youtube page oc "Frate Jacopa" and on the fb profile of the Parish,

For more info: tel 3282288455 - –
Available material
PPS on labour
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PDF (59 kbytes)    1738 hits
Youth and work to nurture hope
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Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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