Inizio > Pubblicazioni > Carbajo Núñez Sabato 15 febbraio 2025

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Fraternity in the encyclical Fratelli tutti. Franciscan roots

Foto Carbajo Núñez Martín , Fraternity in the encyclical Fratelli tutti. Franciscan roots, in Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira (REB), 81/319 (2021) p. 295-319 .

Abstract: This article studies the subject of fraternity in the encyclical Fratelli tutti and explores its Franciscan roots. The Pope asserts that “it was the evangelical witness of St. Francis, with his school of thought, that gave this term the meaning it then preserved over the centuries.” The key to understand it is found in the encounter with the needy (leper, wounded), which brings to light the dignity of each human person and the need for social friendship in order to achieve a “healthy and open” community life.

Keywords: Fraternity; Social friendship; Dialogue; Francis of Assisi; Franciscanism.

Síntese: O presente artigo estuda o tema da fraternidade na encíclica Fratelli tutti e evidencia alguns pontos de contato com a perspectiva franciscana. O Papa afirma que “foi o testemunho evangélico de São Francisco, com sua escola de pensamento, que deu ao termo fraternida- de o significado que este conservou no decorrer dos séculos”. O artigo explora estas raízes franciscanas. A chave de leitura encontra-se no encontro com o necessitado (leproso, ferido), que evidencia a dignidade de toda pessoa humana e a necessidade da amizade para alcançar uma vida social “sadia e aberta”.

Palavras-chave: Fraternidade; Amizade social; Diálogo; Francosco de Assis; Franciscanismo.


1. Theological and transcendent dimensions of fraternity
1.1. A theological concept
1.2. Trinitarian and Christological perspective
1.2.1. Brothers in Christ
1.2.2. A cosmic fraternity
1.3. Gift and task
2. Reading keys: the encounter with the leper and the parable of the Samaritan
2.1. The gratuitousness of love
2.2. We need to become neighbors
3. Friendship as a social category
3.1. Unity in diversity
3.1.1. Polyhedral fraternity and polar opposition
3.1.2. Subsidiarity, proximity, and individuality
3.2. Social love
3.2.1. From "dominus" to "frater"
3.2.2. Dialogue and collaboration
3.3. A universal family
3.3.1. The encounter of st. Francis with the sultan
3.3.2. The meeting of pope francis with the grand imam
3.3.3. All invited to embrace a culture of encounter

Parole chiave: Fraternity; Social friendship; Dialogue; Francis of Assisi; Franciscanism

(File allegato)
Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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