Inizio > Pubblicazioni > Carbajo-Núñez Venerdì 07 febbraio 2025

Informazione sulla pubblicazione:
Digital culture: between communication and isolation

Foto Carbajo-Núñez Martín , Digital culture: between communication and isolation, in The Wisdom of the Cross in a pluralistic World.Acts of the Fourth International Theological Congress, 21-24.09.2021,, a cura di TACCONE Fernando – BENEDETTINI Ciro, 1/3, Ed. Velar, E-book, 2023 , section 23 (ISBN 9791255080800).

Abstract: This article studies the dynamic between communication and isolation that characterizes our globalized world. Digital culture greatly facilitates contacts but does not avoid loneliness. The same technologies that help us stay connected to anyone and anywhere on the planet are also used to avoid the demanding face-to-face contact and the challenge of diversity. In the third part, some guidelines are indicated for responsibly inhabiting our culture and achieving a fair balance in our way of communicating.
Keywords: Digital culture, Communication, Isolation, Laudato si', Media.
Sumario: Este artículo estudia la dinámica entre comunicación y aislamento que caracteriza a nuestro mundo mediático y globalizado. La cultura digital facilita enormemente los contactos, pero no evita el aislamiento. Las mismas tecnologías que nos ayudan a estar conectados con cualquier persona y lugar del planeta son también usadas para evitar el exigente contacto cara a cara y el desafío de la diversidad. En la tercera parte, se indican algunas pautas para habitar responsablemente esta cultura y lograr un justo equilibrio en nuestro modo de comunicarnos.
Palabras clave: Cultura digital, Medios de comunicación, Aislamiento, Soledad, Laudato si’.


1. Digital culture
1.1. From neutral instruments to shapers of reality.
1.2. A forum for dialogue and social awareness
2. More communicated, but more alone
2.1. Laudato si': a critical perspective on the media
2.2. Media facilitate and condition our relationships
2.3. Indifference and lack of empathy
3. Guidelines for responsibly inhabiting the digital culture
3.1. Openness to diversity
3.2. Cultivating interiority and relationships

Parole chiave: Digital culture, Communication, Communication, Isolation, Laudato si', Media

(File allegato)
Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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