Inizio > Pubblicazioni > Carbajo Núñez Domenica 27 ottobre 2024

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Revitalizing religious life today: Ethical challenges and leadership

Foto Carbajo Núñez Martín , Revitalizing religious life today: Ethical challenges and leadership, in Carthaginensia, 71 (2021) p. 147-165 .

(Full text) - Abstract: This paper explores the possible ways of animating religious life in a time marked by sociocultural change and vocational crisis. It seems that a part of the Consecrated have their prophetic soul sickened, that they have lost the capacity of hoping and dreaming (1st part). However, Pope Francis reminds them that this is a time of hope and new prophecy. Therefore, they need the audacity and creativity of their founders to retake the core of their own charism and find the way of incarnating it today through a deep structural transformation (2nd part). More precisely, religious life needs inspiring leadership (3rd part) and a greater attention to fraternal life (4th part).
Keywords: Religious life, Vocational crisis, Leadership, Ethical challenges, Digital era.
Sumario: Este artículo estudia los posibles modos de animar la vida consagrada en un tiempo marcado por el cambio sociocultural, la crisis vocacional y el aumento de la edad media de los religiosos. Se diría que una parte de los religiosos tienen enferma su alma profética, que han perdido la esperanza y la capacidad de soñar (1ª parte). Sin embargo, el Papa Francisco les recuerda que éste es un tiempo de esperanza y nueva profecía. Por tanto, necesitan la audacia y la creatividad de sus fundadores para retomar el núcleo del propio carisma y encarnarlo en la situación actual, afrontando una profunda transformación estructural (2ª parte). Más concretamente, los religiosos necesitan un liderazgo inspirador (3ª parte) y una mayor atención a la vida en fraternidad (4ª parte).
Palabras clave: Vida religiosa, Crisis vocacional, Liderazgo, Desafíos éticos, Era digital.


1. Reduced to just keeping and administering
1.1. The danger of a certain immobility
1.2. The crowding-out effect
2. “Be transformed by the renewal of your mind” 
2.1. To renew ourselves by theological virtues
2.2. Open to novelty and change
2.3. "Let's start, brothers"
3. The importance of leadership
3.1. The crowding-out effect: from the "why" to the "what"
3.2. Characteristics of these three leaderships
3.3. In the light of the Spirit and according to God

4. The need to foster fraternal life
4.1. A treasure, but also a challenge
4.2. Intercultural workshops
4.2.1. Self-realization and "turning to the self"
4.2.2. Digital natives & digital immigrants

Parole chiave: Religious life, Vocational crisis, Leadership, Ethical challenges, Digital era

(File allegato)
Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Roma - Italia
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