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I gift my last 6 books on ecology to Pope Francis

On the occassion of the 70th anniversary of the Alfonsianum (Feb. 9, 2019

Place: Vaticano
Date: 09/02/2019
PUA Professor Martín Carbajo Núñez, OFM, has gifted six editions of his latest book on ecology to Pope Francis in the context of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the Alphonsian Academy. The books gifted to Pope Francis are these:

1.- Carbajo Núñez M., Sister Mother Earth. Franciscan Roots of the Laudato Si’, Media House, Delhi, 2018, p. 242.
2.- ____, Ecologia Francescana. Radici della Laudato Si', Aracne, Canterano (RM), 2017, p. 268.
3.- ____, Sorella Madre Terra. Radici francescane della "Laudato Si', Messaggero, Padova, 2017, p. 272 .
4.- ____, Sister Mother Earth. Franciscan Roots of the Laudato Si’, Tau Publishing, Phoenix, AZ, 2017, p. 287.
5.- ____, Raíces de la Laudato Si’. Ecología franciscana, Franciscanas Arantzazu, Oñati, 2016, p. 310.
6.- ____, Ecologia franciscana. Raízes da Encíclia Laudato Si do Papa Francisco, Ed. Franciscana, Braga, 2016, p. 304.

At the end of this month, the German edition of the book will be available (Schwester Mutter Erde. Franziskanische Wurzeln der Enzyklika Laudato si‘, Be&Be, Heiligenkreuz im Wienerwald 2019). Other editions are being prepared, for example one in Polish.

In addition to these books on ecology, prof. Carbajo has recently published five editions of his book on economics from a Franciscan perspective. There are also others of this book on their way. He hopes to gif these books to Pope Francis on an upcoming occasion.

Prof. Carbajo had also met several times with Pope John Paul II, who gave him a rosary on each of the occasions they met (2000 and 2003) (+ info).


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Available material
2013 (video): I gift one of my books on economics to Pope Francis
MP4 (1,3 Mbytes)    1398 hits
Online (youtube)
2023 (Video): I gift 12 books to Pope Francis
MP4 (2,3 Mbytes)    1430 hits
Online (Youtube)
2019 (Video): I gift 6 books to Pope Francis on Ecology
MP4 (2,3 Mbytes)    1446 hits
 Online (Youtube)
Address of Pope Francis (my photo on www.Vatican.va)
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Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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