Home > Cultural activities > 30/08/2019 Friday 07 February 2025

Current relevance of Franciscanism and leadership

St. Elizabeth, 1500 34th Av. Oakland (CA, USA), 7:00 pm (at 8:00 in Spanish)

Place: Oakland (CA) USA
Date: 30/08/2019
PUA On August 30, 2019, prof. Martín Carbajo Núñez, OFM will hold a talk on the theme: "Current relevance of Franciscanism and Leadership", intended primaraly for Catholic pastoral leaders, but also open to other people.

The event will take place at St. Elizabeth parish main hall (1500 34th Av.) Oakland (CA). There will be two sessions: the first one at 19:00pm in English and the second one at 20:00 in Spanish.
Available material
Current relevance of Franciscanism and leadership
PDF (13222605 bytes)    4732 hits
Current relevance of Franciscanism and leadership (in Spanish)
PDF (12072030 bytes)    4317 hits
PDF (62517 bytes)    4434 hits
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Martín Carbajo Núñez - via Merulana, 124 - 00185 Rome - Italy
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